General Information
Instructor: Jennifer Paulhus
Office Hours: M 10-12 and TH 1-3 (or by appointment)
Office: 48A Noyes Hall
e-mail:paulhus [at] math [dot] uiuc [dot] edu
web site:
Text:Brief Calculus and its Applications Goldstein, Lay and Schneider
Final Exam: Saturday, August 5, 8 AM
We will cover almost all of chapters 0-7 in the book. Class time will be spent in various ways. Part of the time I will be lecturing; however, there will also be group work, problem sessions and quizzes (see below.)
Your grade will consist of quizzes, group work, three exams and a final. Homework will be assigned almost every day but will not be collected. Every so often for 20-30 minutes of a class, I will work problems of your choosing from the homework for you. Quizzes will be administered every 3-4 days. The quiz problems will be taken almost directly from the homework. It is to your advantage to work as many homework problems as you can. I will drop your lowest quiz grade, however quizzes CANNOT be made-up.
Several times a week you will also spend 20-30 minutes working on new problems with a group of 2-3 other students. The group will turn in ONE solution set for each session and I will grade these. The scores on these as well as participation in the group will play an integral role in your final grade for the class. I expect everyone in the class to be respectful toward their fellow group members.
I am tentatively scheduling the three in-class exams for June 23, July 7 and July 21 but reserve the right to change these dates! If you are going to miss an exam because of an emergency or illness, please let me know before the exam by e-mailing me.
The breakdown of grades will be as follows:
Quizzes: 15%
Group Work: 10%
In-class Exams: 15% each
Final: 30%
If at any time during the semester you have questions about grading policies, material in the class, or your progress in the class, do not hesitate to come see me during my office hours or schedule an appointment to see me outside of class.