Math 112 C1---Algebra--Fall 2002 -- 143 Henry
10:00 MWF Class -- 3-5 M Lab

General Information
Instructor: Jennifer Paulhus
Office Hours: Wednesday 11-11:45 and Thursday 10:30-12 (or by appointment)
Office: 230 Illini Hall
e-mail: paulhus [at] math [dot] uiuc [dot] edu
web site:
Undergrad Assistant: Jackie Sienkiewicz-- e-mail:
Text:College Algebra Bittinger, Beecher, Ellenbogen and Penna-- You must also purchase a TI-82 or TI-83 graphing calculator.
Final Exam: Friday December 20, 8 AM
Tutoring Room: 163 Everitt
Monday and Tuesday 7-8 PM, Wednesday and Thursday 7-9 PM.

Class and Lab Description

This course has two components, class and lab. On a typical class day I will probably lecture for 15-20 minutes and then we will spend the rest of the time working in groups on the homework problems. We will cover R1-R7, chapters 1, 2 (except 2.2), 3 and 4 as well as sections 5.1 and 5.2. We will probably cover about 1 section per class. I suggest you look ahead in the book before class just to get a feel for what we will be doing that day.

In the lab, you will work in groups (which will change from time to time) on worksheets. The worksheets will test your knowledge of material from the lectures that week as well as your ability to apply this knowledge to real world problems. The scores on your lab worksheets as well as participation in the group will play an integral role in your final grade for the class. I expect everyone in the class to be respectful toward their fellow group members.

Grade Distribution

The breakdown of grades will be as follows:
Group Work:15%
Exams (3):10% each
Mastery Exam: 10%
Class Participation: 5%

If at any time during the semester you have questions about grading policies, material in the class, or your progress in the class, do not hesitate to come see me during my office hours or schedule an appointment to see me outside of class.

Homework & Group Work

Homework will be turned in every Friday, at the beginning of class. I reserve the right to only grade some of the homework problems and assign a grade based on that sampling of problems. You will work together on homework in class and I encourage you to work together outside of class on the homework we do not finish in class. However, each person must turn in their own solutions. If it is clear that you just copied another students homework, you both will lose those homework points.

Everyone in the group will turn in their own solutions to the labs; however, I will randomly choose one person's lab to grade and the whole group will be given that person's grade.

Mastery Exam

The Mastery Exams are designed to test your mastery of basic algebraic skills, which are essential to the success of this course. You must pass the mastery exam with a 90% or better. If you do not do so, then you will have 2 chances to make up the Mastery exam. However, 10 points are automatically deducted from your recorded score for the first retake and 20 points for the second retake. Once you have passed with a 90% or better, you do not have to take the exam again. YOU MUST PASS THE MASTERY EXAM IN ORDER TO PASS THIS COURSE.

Class Participation

I will take attendance in class and lab. Each time you miss a class or lab you lose 3% of your class participation grade. On top of that, your participation grade will be influenced by how active a participant you are in your group.

Important Dates

September 20: Mastery Exam (in Class)
September 26: Mastery Exam (1st retake--7-8pm in 180 Bevier Hall)
October 4: Exam 1
October 10: Mastery Exam (2nd retake--7-8pm in 180 Bevier Hall)
October 18: Last day to drop class
November 1: Exam 2
December 6: Exam 3
December 20: Final Exam

Unsolicited Advice

Please try to have as positive an attitude about this class as you can. Everyone of you is capable of learning the math in this class. It really isn't that scary! That being said, learning math is not a passive process. Doing the homework and being an active participant in your groups is crucial. Work together, even outside of class. Math becomes a lot more fun if you have someone to work with!