Jan. 28 |
10.1 (pgs. 559-562) |
coordinate planes, distance in space, standard equation of a sphere |
Day 1 Intro |
Jan. 30 |
10.2, 10.3 (pgs. 574-582) |
vector, initial point, terminal point, magnitude, component form, vector algebra properties of vector operation, unit vector |
Basics of Vectors |
Jan. 31 |
10.3 (pgs. 588-595) |
dot product and angles, orthogonal vectors, orthogonal projection |
Feb. 4 |
10.4, 9.2 (pgs. 601-605, 511-512) |
cross product, right hand rule, |
Feb. 6 |
Snow Day! |
Feb. 7 |
11.1, 10.5 (pgs. 612-614, 631-635) |
vector-valued functions, parametric and symmetric equations of a line |
Vector Valued Functions |
Feb. 11 |
10.5, 11.2 (pgs. 615-617, 639-642) |
skew lines, |
Lines and Planes
Feb. 13 |
10.6 (pg. 623-627) |
normal vectors, standard and general form for planes, parallel planes |
Level Curves |
Feb. 14 |
12.1, 12.2 (pgs.683-688, 690-698) |
multivariable functions, level curve, open disk, boundary point, interior point, open, closed, bounded sets, limits, continuity | More Level Curves and Limits |
Feb. 18 |
12.3 (pgs. 700-707) |
partial derivative with respect to x and with respect to y | Partial Derivatives |
Feb. 20 |
Exam 1 |
Feb. 21 |
no class |
Feb. 25 |
12.3(pgs. 708-710) |
more on partial derivatives, second partial derivatives, Clairaut's Theorem (Theorem 12.3.1) | |
Feb. 27 |
12.7 (pgs.739-740, 745-746) |
tangent plane | Tangent Plane |
Feb. 28 |
12.5 (pgs. 721-725) |
multivariable chain rule |